在通过 context.getExternalCacheDir() 或者 context.getCacheDir() 类似的方法获取文件的时候,可能会报以下的错误:
ContextImpl: Failed to ensure directory: /storage/sdcard1/Android/data/com.binkery.allinone/cache
在 Stackoverflow 上找到的答案,基本可以忽略这个错误提示。
This happened to me when uninstalling the app and reinstalling it. But probably the resources of the app (com.xxxx.app in your case) had a reference not released.
The solution was quite simple: just stop and relaunch the emulator, or reboot the phone should do the trick.
这里解释获取 cache 目录失败的原因是卸载 app 并且重新安装的时候,某些 app 的资源因为没有释放没有被彻底删除掉,导致的失败。重启手机可以解决这样的问题。
另外吐槽一下小米手机,通过 adb 在小米手机上安装应用程序,经常会出现各种各样的安装失败。
This is because you are connected to your development machine, and cannot write to the emulated storage on it.
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本文标题: Android 获取 cache 目录失败 ContextImpl: Failed to ensure directory
本文地址: https://binkery.com/archives/536.html